You may often see triple numbers appear in your world and when you look online to see what they mean. You usually will find some Angel numbers as aspect of numerology or some astrological personalized explanation about these numbers. After I read the Serpent of Light by Drunvalo Melchizedek, it made more sense to me that these […]
Author Archives: huni50
Súkkulaði og móðir jörð
Venjulegt fólk úr samfélaginu leggur á stað í ferðalag þann 12. júlí 2018. Málari, lögfræðingur, leiðsögumaður, nemandi, kennari og svo framvegis, leggja öll af stað í sama ferðalagið á fimmtudegi eftir að hafa lokað tölvupóst forritinu og látið vini, vinnufélaga og fjölskyldu vita að ekki verði auðvelt að ná í þau næstu 3 […]
Your words are POWERFUL
You are incredibly powerful and shape the world with your emotions and words! Think about, the way you talk to others and how you talk to yourself. First I want to tell you, if you don’t already know, that words have a strong and lasting effects on your environment, yourself and others, even on […]
Coincidences or Meaning
Coincidences or not? Have you been wondering if coincidences of random events are happening around you or if they all mean something? Everything is either all a coincidence or all not, it’s that simple. Have you ever heard someone say, that you need to take full responsibility for your life to be able to […]
Unworthy to Knowing You Will
When did you grow up and stopped believing you will? 4 steps, go from being unworthy to knowing you will. You might have heard the phrase “you have to believe in yourself” being tossed around these days. This phrase is absolutely true, but what about all the people who do not believe they […]